Thursday, January 17, 2008

poverty and health care

On Wednesday the hospital had a women deliver a baby at 21 weeks.

On Thursday the baby died.

Having worked peds in Chicago I know what we can do in the US for pre-mature infants. It saddens me to have a child die that I know in the states more than likely would have lived. Elsa, one of our nurses from Summner, had a daughter 26years ago who was born pre-mature and only weighed like 2lb and today because of the care in the US you would never know that she was pre-mature.

There is comfort in the fact that Jesus is now holding that infant and that she will never know the poverty of this country.

When you look at how much it costs us in the US for the care of a pre-mature infant and look at the fact that these people don't have the money to pay for a $3 x-ray you know it will be a long time before they ever have enough money to care for the premies like we do.

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