Sunday, August 21, 2005


I love thunder and lightening storms. When I was a kid living in Washington, my brother, my father, and I would stand either on the front porch or on the deck and watch the lightening storms. My mom, who as a kid had their house hit by lightening, was not found of storms and was always trying to get us to come inside. She just didn't get it, the excitement and the charge that we got out of standing there watching it all. I guess watching your house burn from lightening as a kid could ruin the whole experience.

As I got older I was able to experience a thunder storm in my grandparents motor home as we traveled home from Tennesse. I believe we were in Kentucky and for the first time I understood a little bit of that fear that my mom had. This was not like the lightening storms we had at home. It was really cool! But it was really kinda scary too. But not a bad scary, more the kinda scary that makes you excited and thrilled and anxious all at once. Like a really good carnival ride. You know someone else is controlling the ride and you hope you don't puke on your shoes while he is spinning your car around. I knew that as I sat in the motor home that God was in control and that he wasn't going to let anything happen to me. I also knew that the thunder was really, really loud in Kentucky. The sound may have had something to do with the fact that we were traveling in a motor home in the 80's (can you say tin can on wheels). But it was much louder than in Washington and the lightening was much brighter and almost wilder. My mom who was also with us was white with fear and to this day I thank God I was young and didn't know enough to be afraid.

When my folks moved to Colorado I got the chance to experience storms there, again cool but different from either the Kentucky experience or the Washington experience. After moving to Chicago I really became found of the lightening storms there. We have had quite a few storms here in MT and to tell you the truth there is just something missing. I can't quite figure out why the storms here are different then they were in the Mid-West. I still love storms but they are not as spectacular. Maybe part of it is knowing that the threat of forest fire is so great here. But I still think it is just that the storms here are not as spectactular a sight as in Chicago. Somebody thought maybe that it might have something to do with elevation and the Mid West being lower in altitude, no mountains, etc... I dont know what the reason, I suspect God does. But as far as I know it's His secret and He aint telling.


Jane Ellen+ said...

I love thunderstorms. I've lived all my life in the midwest, and as you say, we get some dillys here! I have a healthy respect for them-- how powerful they can be.

We drove through/past some storms the day we left your place, so I finally got to see the difference you had been talking about. By comparison to what we get here in the heartland, the lightning out there seemed almost quiet, and well-behaved. Sort of... well... insincere. "I'm flashing and rumbling out here, but I don't really mean it."

I'd never have guessed.

The Lovely Wife said...

The lightening out here "may not mean it" but it has definitely been doing some damage of late. Glad you finally got to expierence it so you know what we mean now.

Dawgdays said...

Compared to Chicago storms, Seattle storms are a big nothin'. Chicago must get bigger temperature/humidity differentials.

My favorite storm happened about a month after we moved to Evanston.

I saw flashes, but there wasn't any noise, so I thought someone was taking pictures of the house, at 10:00 pm. Then the storm rolled in and seemed to sit over top of us for the entire night, with these big ol' BOOMS every few seconds, and more rain that I'd ever seen in one place. The water was pouring over the gutter, and there was a strobe effect from the lightning.

It was really cool.

[We get earthquakes here.]