Thursday, November 12, 2009

While we were in seminary we made many good friends who we have kept in contact with now that we have left "The Block" and are all off to our own churches. One of these dear friends is now an Air Force Chaplain and is currently stationed over seas.

Worrying about our armed forces takes on a whole new meaning when you have friend that is over there serving. I know that as a Chaplain he is doing a lot of praying and ministering to those that are deeply affected by losing their comrades. I worry not only for our troops safety but also about who is ministering to the Chaplains. I believe that everyone has a tough job and hope and pray that the Chaplains find time to get renewed.

One of the areas, besides prayer, that we have found that we can be of help to the Chaplains is to ship out sample-size toiletries for their transient ministries for the soldiers who are waiting for their luggage.

To help with this our two churches recently contacted a local hotel and asked if we could purchase cases of their "hotel-sized" shampoo and soaps. The small, local hotel went one better and said that if we bought a case they would also purchase a case for us. As my daughter would say WooHoo! We have 3 cases on order.

Look out Chaplains here comes some supplies! Know that we at home are thinking about you and our troops.

1 comment:

Mark J. said...

Wow. Thank you! For all of us, and that's a big "all!" :)