Thursday, August 14, 2008

Olympics--what are they all about?

For as long as I can remember, my family has gathered around the TV to watch the Olympics.  The tradition has trickled down somewhat to my own family.  Last night my daughter and I were up past midnight watching the men's gymnastics.  Tonight we will be up again watching the women's all-round, swimming, and volleyball.  

I tend to get overly involved in the Olympics.  Just ask the Rev.  Picking winners-to-be and rooting for them like we were right there.  I might add that I don't always root for the American to get the gold.  Sometimes it is simply cheering for a nation that has never received a medal in a particular event.

That having been said, was I disappointed that the US women's gymnastic team didn't get gold, yep I was.  But I was also very pleased that it was China that received the gold.  Think about it.  We received a gold in gymnastics when the Olympics was in LA.  Therefore it only seems fair that China receives this gold medal while in their home country.   The Chinese had more difficult routines and made less mistakes than the US team did.  They deserve the gold.  We should be glad we got the opportunity to watch it all unfold.   

I have been reading some of the athlete's blogs.  Mind you none of the gymnasts have blogs, I think they are a little to busy with competition at this time.  However, Ronda Rousey a judo Olympic medalist has written in her blog that:

"though it would be the happiest moment in my life to win in the Olympics--my entire identity doesn't depend on this tournament.  What I don't think people understand is that the Olympics is not about winning and losing.  The World Championship is.   The Olympics is about the world coming together, putting their differences aside, and  channeling all their competitive impulses into sport instead of blowing each other into smithereens. "

Well said Ronda!! 

Others may watch Phelps, Johnson, Hoff, and other medal winners and want to become swimmers and gymnast.  I however read Ronda's blog and wanted to learn Judo, almost.  That is until I read about her US Open experience and having cotton stuffed up her nose from a nosebleed during the finals, her head wrapped from having her coliflour ear drained, and limping from recent ACL surgery.  I think I will stick to a safer sports or watching.  Or maybe Judo at a non-competitive level.   

Basically it takes a special person no matter what the sport to go through what these athletes endure to get to where the are.  They all are winners and deserve to be on the Wheaties box.


1 comment:

Jane Ellen+ said...

I can certainly understand and agree with the urge to root for the underdog, or those who have not had the advantages, etc. And I can appreciate the joy of a hosting country doing well.

But when China includes falsifying records-- state-sponsored cheating-- to accomplish the goal, my support wanes.