Wednesday, July 02, 2008

plans change

This week, for me at least, has been all about working with God's plan and not my plan.

My plan was to kayak in the morning, eat the wonderful food that was cooked by the camp's great chef, Julie, and to spend the reserve time either napping and/or reading on the dock.

God's plan was to have me spend the first two days (Sunday and Monday) figuring out what to do with the sick Kid. That having been taken care of by Super-hero B-2 (which I might add she is doing a good job at),Tuesday I thought I would be able to start enjoying some dock time. God however thought otherwise and to prove it He brought in the thunder clouds and the threat of rain. OK, no sailing today on the camp's new sailboat. Maybe Wednseday.

I did however manage to beat the Rev in a game of crib. I'd like to say I got him good but in all honesty, I got to count first. But hey, a win is a win.

We will hope today brings us a little dock time. I have finished one book and have two to go but without some serious dock time finishing both is not likely to happen.

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