Monday, January 15, 2007

We made it!!!

OK we made it to Belize.

We got up in Ballas on Sunday and headed to airport and got all checked in. Then proceeded through Security. To get through security there is a HUGE bronze wishbone statue that you can walk through. So Cece and I held hands and made a wish as we walked through the wishbone. I am unable to tell you what I wished for as Cece says then it wont come true.

I can tell you that for the most part it seems to be coming true. We got to the airport at 10am and our flight was supposed to leave at 12:00, changed to 1:00, so we wandered around for awhile, finally found a Starbucks and the pilot of our plane who gave Cece a map of Belize. We found a really cool musical labrynth thing for us to wander around in as well. Finally after being in the airport for 3hr we were ready to board the plane.

After arriving in Belize we got to go through immigration, then customs which we did without a hitch, then we proceded to pick up our rental vans and drive the 3hrs to Dangriga. At this point all I wanted to do was crash but there was a buffet waiting for us at the Chaleneor Hotel so.... up for a little while more. Got to try some Belize cuisine, Belize beer (Belikin which isn't too bad). I highly recommend the shrimp dish unless you are the rev.

Then we got to walk the block to our hotel turned on the TV that is in our room, found ESPN so I could find out what happened in the football games. Was dissapointed about the Chargers and not suprised about the Hawks.

Then it was time to crash as tomorrow was going to be a big day.

1 comment:

Reverend Ref + said...

Glad to hear you all made it just fine.

oh . . . what do you mean "not surprised about the 'Hawks"???

It was a great game, until the end that is.